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Natural Approach to Childbirth

June 3, 2020 @ 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm

Natural Approach to Childbirth Class–   for this event.

Who it’s for: Women and partners with the goal of natural, non-medicated birth.

Details: Birth is a normal, healthy process. This five-week course covers all aspects of pregnancy and birth for parents who have the goal of limiting medical interventions.

This course is developed using several combination childbirth strategies, Bradley Method, Lamaze, and Evidence Base birth and  Labor Doula techniques.

The five-week course will:
Week 1: Exercise and Nutrition/Informed Consent, Evidence-Based Care, and the Role of the Partner/Connection Through Knowing.

Week 2: Anatomy and Hormones of Birth and Stages of Labor /Supporting Through Stress

Week 3: Comfort Measures and Communicating With Your Birth Team/Power of Appreciating Your Partner

Week 4: Postpartum and Feeding Your Baby/Power of Responsiveness

Week 5: Life With Your Newborn/Honoring Parents

This 5-Week course will be taught in-person at our offices for weeks 1 and 4. The reminding weeks will be virtual for 2, 3, 5.



June 3, 2020
6:30 pm - 9:30 pm


Momease Instructor


Child Birth Classes