Who it’s for: “HypnoBirthing® is a unique method of relaxed, childbirth education enhanced by self hypnosis and guided imagery techniques that allow women to use their natural abilities to bring about safer, easier, and more comfortable birthing”.
Details: HypnoBirthing® – The Mongan Method is taught in 6 – 3hr classes and includes a 302 page HypnoBirthing textbook, 2 – CDs for relaxation, professionally written scripts, and a variety of handouts for preparation, practice, and birth companion. In these fun, informative, and empowering classes you will learn:
- History of birth and women
- The body’s perfect design
- Prenatal bonding techniques
- Rapid relaxation and deepening techniques
- Breathing techniques for labor and birthing
- Preparing birth preferences
- Birth companion’s prompts, scripts, and techniques
- Preparing your body for labor and birthing through nutrition, body toning, and massage
- Methods for avoiding interventions and for natural stimulation of labor
- Release negative emotions, fear, and limiting thoughts
- Optimal fetal positioning techniques
- Hallmarks of labor and the thinning and opening phase
- Positions for baby’s decent and birthing
- Baby’s first hour – including bonding and moving to the breast
Additional topics covered will include:
- What to expect at 3rd trimester pregnancy appointments
- Common symptoms and how to handle them
- Nutrition, weight gain
- Pre-term labor, signs of labor, when to call your doctor
- Postpartum depression and Baby Blues
- Breastfeeding and Latching
- Choosing a pediatrician
- This class will meet virtually on Apr 18, Apr 25, May 2, May 9, May 16 and May 22
- In person at Momease Alexandria Office 6300 Stevenson Ave Suite G, Alexandria Va on May 22